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More than sharing? CentUp now on I CARE IF YOU LISTEN

So you just read an article on one of your favorite blogs (maybe here, maybe not) and you liked it. What are your options? Upvote it on reddit? Share it on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, ADN? How else could you “show some digital love“?

How nice!

How nice would it be if you could—with just a click—simultaneously give a few cents to the blog and a great charity that you picked? Yes, pretty nice.

Well it is now possible on I CARE IF YOU LISTEN thanks to a Chicago-based startup called CentUp. The most observant readers might have noticed a new button in our share widget at the bottom of each post that looks like this:

How CentUp looks on our site

This is how you would give back. Just create an account on, link it to a credit card, pick a charity, and visit the participating blogs. 45% of your contribution will go to the charity of your choice, 45% will go to the blog you’re visiting—hopefully us :)—and the remaining 10% will go to CentUp for making this possible.

CentUp from CentUp on Vimeo.

What will you do with the money?

Boring answer: Pay the bills. And who knows? We might be able to drop the advertising one day.

Not convinced?

Understandable: Small monetary rewards for blog posts is quite a new idea and this is why we are giving you money to give back. That’s right, we will be giving away US $10 to 10 readers to try this out. And we won’t be mad if you visit another CentUp partner and give some cents back to them: That’s the whole point.

So drop us a comment on our Facebook or Google+ page, or Tweet at us, and don’t forget to mention #CentUp. We will pick ten winners and credit their CentUp accounts with US $10.

Go ahead, release your inner leprechaun.

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