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Video Premiere: II from The Summer Sinks, by Tanner Porter

Tanner Porter is a composer, performer (voice, cello) and visual artist from California, currently based in Michigan. Trained at the University of Michigan, her songwriting influences range from Joni Mitchell to Paul Simon, Stephen Sondheim, Andrew Bird, or Sufjan Stevens. Today, we are excited to premiere the music video for II, from The Summer Sinks.

In this album, she explores—among other things—the experiences of loving, losing, and getting older. “I was interested in the ways we deal with old hurts,” says Porter, “especially when they’re ones we’ve done to ourselves. I wanted to chew on questions like, where and why do we we throw blame, what happens to our sense of self when we give power to others, how do things like shame and pride shape us?”

Just like our previous video premiere, Porter wrote, performed, drew and produced the animation for II. “I love animation, the chance to tell stories through living artwork. The images are done with pencils, fabric and watercolors, created in layers by hand and put together on the computer.”

II was recorded, mixed and mastered by David Peters of Oak House Recording Studio. The trumpet was performed by Mark Stevenson. “I plucked and played the piano, and am singing as well,” says Porter.

Listen to The Summer Sinks

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