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ListN Up: mattijane brooks epperson (November 18, 2022)

mattijane brooks epperson--Photo by Olivia Stier

mattijane brooks epperson--Photo by Olivia Stier

ListN Up is a series of artist-curated playlists that offer an intimate sonic portrait of contemporary artists by showcasing the diverse and stylistically varied music that influences their creative practice. 

mattijane brooks epperson is a composer, bassist, and music facilitator based in Kalamazoo, MI. Her work includes longform ambient synthesis, live concert, and studio work as a solo and backing performer. She also facilitates songwriting workshops for youths. mattijane’s debut solo songwriter EP MT Demos is out now, exclusively on Bandcamp.

My name is mattijane, and I’ve selected a few tracks that mark my influences as I’ve changed as a musician over the last several years. I’m very grateful for the artists and friends that have helped me grow and navigate between composing, performing, songwriting, and music facilitation.

“Crocodile” by Florent Ghys, performed by Eleonore Oppenheim

I first heard Eleonore Oppenheim when I was just starting my undergrad, and her album Home broadened my then-narrow expectations of what was possible with a bass. This track has frequently been in my listening rotation since then.

“unstuckening” by Kennedy Taylor Dixon

KTD has been a long-time peer and friend in music and university. Collaborating together and seeing her develop a patient and thoughtful musical style helped validate my own patient musical journey.

“Double Quartet #9” by Yakiv Tsvietinsky

Yakiv’s work goes between jazz improvisation, chamber arrangement, and Ukrainian folk. Attending school with him was a big motivator to challenge myself in using many different aspects of myself in my creative process.

“hibari” by Ryuichi Sakamoto

Sakamoto is a longtime soundtrack influence of mine. I often return to this piece when I find myself needing something calming, and it has inspired me to create music that could be useful to others seeking a calm distraction.

“Midnight Bus” by Alex Temple, performed by Julia Holter and Spektral Quartet

Temple’s song cycle is a big inspiration to me. Listening to it helped me string together my desires to create contemporary compositions and storytelling songs.

“Freight Train” by Elizabeth Cotten

Frequently, I find myself looking to older blues and folk artists for inspiration. Cotten’s unique voice and playing is one of my favorites.

“Let the Wave” by Samantha Cooper

Samantha Cooper is a dear friend and a brilliant songwriter and facilitator. This song was made in concurrence with her important water protector advocacy work (Stop Line 3).

“Season 3” by mattijane brooks epperson

This is one of the first songs I wrote for my new solo project this year, and it’s about overcoming long droughts of creativity. I had to step away from my usual composition style to find my motivation to create again, and for the first time in a while I’m excited to share music with the world again.


I CARE IF YOU LISTEN is an editorially-independent program of the American Composers Forum, and is made possible thanks to generous donor and institutional support. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author and may not represent the views of ICIYL or ACF.

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