Spending time with an album inspired by other artistic references feels akin to watching the bonus features of a movie – new points of view avail themselves for consideration, and additional rabbit ho…

In Edgard Varèse’s Density 21.5, a solo flutist pushes and shoves through ever widening intervallic leaps in a tumultuous journey that contrasts climactic highs with pensive, even fatigued lows. Even…

As a classical trumpeter, Sarah Belle Reid felt that she was constantly being asked to emulate the sound of someone else. Boxed in by black and white ideas of what constituted good or “wrong” playing,…

María “Mange” Valencia. Saxophonist, clarinetist, improviser and composer from Bogotá – Colombia. Lover of spider stories and the diagnoses of neurologist Oliver Sacks. She has been…

The idea for soprano Julia Bullock’s project “History’s Persistent Voice” came eight years ago when composer Jessie Montgomery asked if she would be interested in collaborating on new arrangements of…

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