Concert standard issue Bring a Striking Performance of Modern Works to London’s St. Giles Camberwell 5 Feb 1
Announcement Announcing the 2025 McKnight Composer Fellowship and Visiting Residency Awardees 4 Feb 0
Concert 2015 Look and Listen Festival Opens at BRIC Arts Media Friday, May 1, 2015 marked the opening of the fourteenth annual Look and Listen Festival, a series dedicated to presenting new.. 21 May 1
Interview 5 Questions to Úlfur Hansson (composer) Úlfur Hansson is an Icelandic composer and musician currently based in California. His latest work Interwoven, commissioned by conductor Ilan Volkov, premiered.. 21 May 1
Album Experiential Soundscapes: Jessica Meyer’s Sounds of Being The debate between absolute and programmatic music has been a point of contention for several centuries. Much of the classical.. 20 May 0
Concert AACM Celebrates 50th Anniversary at Bohemian National Hall The Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM) has produced some of America’s best avant-garde music over the past half.. 19 May 0
Recommended Concerts This week: concerts in New York (May 18 – May 24, 2015) Notes on Fiction: “Heart of Darkness” Recital Featuring Megan Ihnen and Jennifer Ellis Drawing upon powerful 20th and 21st Century.. 18 May 2
Album Gosling and McMillen: Powerhouse Pianists II Titles that make any sort of bold claim usually push me away. When I was asked to review Powerhouse Pianists.. 15 May 1
Concert Chilly Gonzales and Kaiser Quartett at Barbican Centre Monday, April 13, 2015 marked the final of three consecutive sold-out shows by Chilly Gonzales & Kaiser Quartett in London. Performing.. 13 May 0
Concert Dancing lamps, a tortured piano: Illuminating objects and heavy concepts at the MATA Festival MATA Festival artistic director Du Yun, telling the audience how she and the other directors had received 1000 submissions for.. 13 May 0
Interview 5 Questions to Steven Schick (2015 Ojai Music Director) Keeping up with 2015 Ojai Festival Music Director Steven Schick is no easy task. Schick leads a multi-faceted career as.. 12 May 1
Recommended Concerts This week: concerts in New York (May 11 – May 17, 2015) Hearing Voices: Music of Kate Soper The music of Kate Soper is featured on this iteration of Music Mondays. Monday,.. 11 May 0